
Saturday, May 22, 2010


Have you ever had one of those friends who is not constrained to time and location? A friend that even though you don't talk everyday or see each other often, you know if your life fell apart they would be right there.

Friday, May 21, 2010


When I was a kid tv was awesome. We had a little black and white tv that we watched a couple days a week mainly Saturday morning :-) When I was in middle school someone gave us a color tv - who knew the Smurfs were blue. With the color tv we watched quite a bit more tv. By the time I grew up, got married, moved away, and I got my own tv; it was basically on all day. I can't really tell you what I watched or how it changed me, but yet I felt compelled to watch. Now fifteen years later and three kids, I find that I rarely turn on the tv. I can't really find a show that seems so great, I should give up a half hour or hour of my time. My time is precious. Now don't get me wrong. I haven't burned all my tv's or started a campain to close all the networks. I simple find I have better things to do. Like Blog . . .lol

Thursday, May 20, 2010

patient mornings

So everyone knows you never pray for patience, because if you do then God will let you have it :-) Have you ever felt like someone is secretly praying patience for you? I think I must have some "friends" like that.

On another note, you didn't think I was done talking already did you? I have never been a morning person. I think if I could just sleep from 2am -8am everyday I would be great. But life has never allowed me that opportunity. Instead alarms start going off at our house around 3:30am (not mine). I do my best to be up and on the ground moving by 6:30am. Even though I have completely forced my body to be upright and mobile. I still have yet to persuade my brain after all these years to allow me to be cheery and conversational before 8am. No matter what time I get up, I have no desire to speak or converse before 8 - I will kiss my hubby and whisper "I love you". But then the line is drawn. Problem is two out of three kids are morning talkers. That's right they hit the ground ready to conquer the world either by brute or by speech. Do you have any idea what this does to a non-morning talker?

So like I said, someone out there is praying patience for me. And someday I am gonna find out just who that "friend" is. They better hope I find them after 8 am.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

coffee a major life goal :)

Coffee - had you said that to me five years ago, I would have turned up my nose and crinkled my face in that all understanding "yuck" face. But today it is different you say coffee and my nostrils flare looking for the scent. My mouth waters in anticipation of the warm liquid and my face glows with a countenance of excitement. You see coffee is something I sat my mind to. I decided about four years ago, I was going to like to coffee. It was going to be my sign of adulthood. I could just see myself looking all sophisticated with my cup of joe. That first cup took me all day to struggle down. Each day became just a bit easier and the taste seem just a bit more tolerable. Each passing week, I was able to lessen the amount of cream and sugar it took to gag it down. And now as I sit here sipping my beautiful cup of morning deliciousness with two sweet'n'low and two scoops of cream, I am comforted by the fact that I accomplished my goal - of tolerating coffee that is, I am still not completely grownup and far from sophisticated. But this experience does make me think - why can I do this coffee and not other things. Why can't I say I am gonna exercise and then do it - knowing the first days, weeks, and months are gonna be painful and barely tolerable. Why can't I say I am gonna have daily quiet time with my Saviour and then do it - knowing that finding time in my crazy life will be hard and difficult but eventually will become second nature. Why can't I say I am gonna. . . and do it. . .

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

new day same flavor

Routine bores me, yet I love it. I hate that the same thing happens everyday causing each day to morph into the rest. I am sadded by the fact that at the end of month when you reflect you can only pick out a few days out of 30 that stand out. Yet on the other hand I am comforted by the fact that I know what each day holds. I like knowing that if we follow the routine, life will run smoothly. Ah!! I love it when life runs smoothly. When the kids are clean and quite, the house is orderly and clutter free, school is accomplished, breakfast and lunch made and dinner in process, gardening done, pets cared for and stink free, bread made, soap made, laundry done, and my husband is happy. But does the planned routine every really happen or have we just fallen into the "back up' routine - survival.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Here we go . . .

So everyone says to journal, why not just blog?

I only think it fitting that my first blog would list my goals and desired outcomes of blogging.

1. to somehow find my sanity in this crazy journey called life
2. to remember how blessed i am to be a wife of a Godly man
3. to be reminded of the awesome responsiblity of being a momma
4. to encourage growth in Jesus Christ
5. to find the joy that is trying to peek through this dark cloud called depression

I don't expect this to be a miracle cure. Don't see this being one of those world famous blogs they make a movie about. But I think it might be nice to just type it all down :-). My life in black and white.

So friends, family and strangers here we go. . .