
Saturday, June 5, 2010

cleaning day

So today is cleaning day at our house. And yet here I am blogging. For some reason when you have kids cleaning seems so pointless. I buckle down focus on one room get it clean, only to find the rest of the house has been destroyed while I was focusing. Each time I think, today will be different I will keep control of it all. LOL So here I am procrastinating about cleaning, because I know I gonna have to clean up after I clean up.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

colorin' with the kiddos

I love to color. I forgot that. So sad I know. Today the kids and I just took some time out in the middle of the mess and colored. We had a blast. It was such a neat time. Did you know that coloring makes kids think - and then talk about it - we solved all the world's problems in one coloring session. I definately have to color more often!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

dressin' up

Why do you feel better when you look better? Ok, so lately, I have been in this terrible slump. I did good if I got real clothes on and my hair fixed, little alone make-up and accessories. So I decided to make a change. I decided to fully accomplish the getting ready task each morning - hair done, make-up, matching clothes, accessories even shoes. You know what I found - I get more done. I seem to feel a bit more sure of myself. I know, I know people have said this for years. I am just one of the those people who has to live it, to believe it I guess. So as I start this new adventure, I have found this one thing to be true . . . I don't have near enough accessories :-)

Monday, May 31, 2010


So when you have a husband in the food industry - holidays have a whole new meaning. Instead of days off, rest and fun. They are extra work, long hours, and no together time. Being the "social bug" I am still after all these years I find this hard. It makes it so hard to connect with others. So today as I spend another holiday doing laundry and cleaning the house; I am finding it hard to keep my head up. But on a positive note, I am so thankful that my husband has a job that provides such amazing advantages for our family. We live in an amazing house and have all we need to have a healthy productive life. He works hard to provide us with that. I am glad he loves us enough to give up holidays. Thank you sweetheart.