
Thursday, June 24, 2010

washing dishes alone and typing in a crowd

Why is it that your kids can play for hours hidden from view, while you do laundry and clean? The things you could use help with. But the minute I sit down to have just a few minutes to myself, there they are. Like right now as I am trying to type this blog. I have someone reading over my shoulder and filling my ear with yet to be taken adventures they are dreaming about. Don't get me wrong I love to hear from them. My question is why can't they talk while we are washing dishes or folding laundry . . .lol.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

it's been awhile

I realize it has a been awhile since I have blogged. One thing I found on the journey to sanity, is never blog when your angry or sad - you may say things you can't type back. So with that said it has been many days since I have felt I had something productive to say.

Today something happened. Today a decision was made for our family. We had been backed into a corner and we were struggling to breath. The walls were caving in quick. Everybody had suggestions and answers and none of them seem right. My wonderful husband finally took a stand and said no more. We have been cornered and pressured too long. We are making this decision with the good of everyone involved in mind. It may not seem that way now. But we are. We have prayed and prayed and prayed. So with a heavy heart, we go forward. Assured that the furture is now and has always been in God's hands.

I am afraid we burned some bridges today, bridges we had no intention of burning. I mourn the lose and regret that those involved can not see through our eyes.

God please grant peace.