
Thursday, July 22, 2010


Why as mother's do we long for the sweet quiet blissful moments that require no action on our part, but breathing?

I think I just answered my own question :-)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


So several months back, I had a small surgery on my hand. Was supposed to be no big thing - Right. They always say that. Anyway the point is now I have a small 2 inch scar on my right wrist. The swelling has gone down and most of the pink is gone so now it pretty much just looks like a line on my hand. One that would wig out a palm reader, but none the same, to most just a line. But to me it will always be a scar. It will always be a reminder of pain suffered to remove and unwanted issue. Now my question is - is that a bad thing? To be reminded that something has been removed and is no longer an issue. I know you see where I am going with this right. How many scars to we have in our lives? Not visible ones, I talking about the stuff that happens to us that scars our spirit. Many times we look at these and only see the horrible stuff that happened to cause the scar. Why can we not look at the scar as a reminder of something that has been removed or an issue that is no longer? I thank God that He is a remover. And now slowly, I think, I am glad He leaves the scars. So that I can look at them not as reminders of the horrible things that happen, but as a reminder of pain suffered to remove and unwanted issue :-)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

2nd post worthy

I know I don't post twice in the same day, but this is too great. . .

The assignment was, after reading about The Pony Express to compose a letter to someone as if you were a pony express rider. Here is what my oldest son turned in.

Dear Mom,
I'm a pony express rider. The weather is terrible. I've been ambushed by Indians. My horse has be stolen and I miss my friends. I delivered the mail by walking through the desert. The food is good, though!
I love you, mom.
Your Son,

That's my boy. He always finds a reason to smile:-)


I felt the last post needed time.

So now, here I am ready to spill my guts and type my life on the web. Life these days is crazy. School has started again for us. We had become very accustomed to sleeping until we felt like getting up. Now we are up and kicking before the sun is fully shining. We have gone from having no plan or intend outcome to our day, to a schedule that is so strict we have but two free hours a day. The weird part is beside the early mornings, we are lovin' havin' somethin' to do. The kids are thriving and accomplishing so much. Not to mention mom :-) I do think we might have to move the washer and dryer in the school room though. . .lol. So what did I learn this summer - well a lot but I am only gonna talk about this - while having no structure seems to be fun (and can be in moderation), it really just causes stress. We have been programmed to live with goals and discipline. It is in these that we can be the best family we can be. Am I forcing my beliefs on you? Am I saying your family needs to plan every minute of their day? No, but you are reading my blog, so take from this what will benefit you and yours.