
Friday, September 24, 2010


Sometimes my nomadic spirit over takes me. Today is one of those days. I want to get out see the world, spend money and waste time. That is not on my agenda, so I will do school, clip coupons, and accomplish all that is on today's to do list. Maybe someday :-)

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Today is the first day in over two weeks that I have not been overwhelm with a headache that rocks me to the core. We are talking it hurt for my hair to move. I tried to function and carry on with as many activities as I could. Tried hard not to let others know that, the very act of thinking hard enough to speak was more than my brain had capacity to process.
But my precious husband, he knew. He could look at me and see my pain. He knew when my eyes spoke different words than my mouth. He knew how I really felt.

You know that is how God see us. He knows when our soul speaks differently than our mouths and our actions. God knows how I really am.

So, today my goal is to be real - my prayer is that in being real people see God.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

time AGAIN

Time - crazy word. Because all at the same time - you can have too much time and not enough time!

I look back and see how long it has been since I posted. And I think, wow, a whole month just flew by. How did I not find time in over thirty days to write just a few sentences about my ever wondering thoughts? Yet, I sit here at the computer mid-morning, as the day stretches on for what seems like an eternity and I realize that today is only Wednesday. I wonder just how much longer a week can be.

I long for the day when time has no limits, when standing in God's presence is the only thing I have to do. Until then I wish I could just live in the moment. Enjoying each moment and experiencing it to it's full potential. Yet, I find that most days, my goal is bed time. The moment when I can slip into my love's arms and turn off the world. His arm's are my favorite place on earth. Because it is there I know I am safe. It is there that I know I am protected. It is there that time stops being my enemy and becomes my friend.