
Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Okay, today is one of those days. One of those days when, if left unbridled the frustration that I feel could over take me and cause me shut down. Each moment is fight to stay aware of all that needs to be accomplished today. Yet, I am constantly reminded of the thing that causes such deep frustration. I try with each breath to continue on this daily ritual of this thing called life. While, everything in me cries stop, I wanna get off. I want it to change. I want life to be different. But the cries are muffled, by the speed of this thing called life.

If God exists out of time and space, if our life to Him is a mere spec in the frame of time. Does that mean He can hear my cries? Does that mean that no matter how much I am overwhelmed with frustration and no matter how fast this thing called life is rolling, he can hear me cry? God can hear me, when no else can! This is what I cling to.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Lemonade or Burritos

I have always hated the saying - When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. I hate lemonade. Why would I take something bad and make something worse out of it. I know, I know, I get all the underlying meaning and deep insightful irony. But let's make up something better, like - When life gives you beans, make burritos or something. Besides I have no control over all of it anyway. If my heart is right, God will help me decide what to do with the bucket of life, that just got dumped all over me. The problem is sometimes my heart is not right. The bucket gets dumped and I have to look through all the junk to find God. If I had only been right to start with He would be with me under all the junk.

Monday, January 10, 2011

I hit old today . . .lol

Okay - I realized when I sat down this morning at my computer to start working I was old. How did I know you say - I was eating my breakfast. . . my breakfast of fiber cookies and coffee!!!! Oh dear, it came so fast, snuck up right out of nowhere, one day it was cold pizza and hotdogs and now . . .

I have noticed many things in life seem to just sneak right up on you, or happen without conscious thought. The hardest one is God. You know that song Slow Fade from Casting Crowns. That's how it happens. One day your deep in devotions talking everyday, every-hour. Then you realize over time its been days since you opened your Bible. It's been weeks since you sat and listened to Him speak. Yet, somehow it feels like it all happened so fast.