
Friday, May 28, 2010

sleepin' in

Today my wonderful husband let me sleep in. He was working from home, so he got up, got the kids breakfast and let me sleep. Oh the bliss! I feel like I have had a mini-vacation. If I get a nap today too, oh my, I may be in heaven. When did my life get so boring that sleep and the abundance of it is the pinnacle of my delight. I think it's nap time . . .

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Why do women love chocolate? I know not all women, but I definitely fall into the stereotype. I crave it, I dream about it, I even look for it in my empty candy bowl. Today is a chocolate day. I would like to end my long day with chocolate and coffee, but alas my candy bowl is empty. Probably best cause you can tell I have had too much chocolate in my day. Maybe one day I will love celery. I will crave it, I will dream about it, and I will look for it in my empty frig.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Isn't it amazing how much stuff one can accumulate. It is my practice and has been for several years now to purge my house one a quarter. I go through every cabinet, every closet, under every bed and if I haven't used it - garage sale, goodwill, homeless ministry, etc. I love that fresh purged feeling. I love wide open spaces. I feel so much better when everything has a home and place. Now once again, why can I apply these practices to my heart and soul. Why do I hang on to stuff that clutters my life and causes me pain? Why don't I just let go and let God purge my life?

Monday, May 24, 2010

all i got . . .

so today i am so overwhelmed and so tired -
i am sorry to regret all is got is. . .

i will tell you tomorrow.