
Friday, May 21, 2010


When I was a kid tv was awesome. We had a little black and white tv that we watched a couple days a week mainly Saturday morning :-) When I was in middle school someone gave us a color tv - who knew the Smurfs were blue. With the color tv we watched quite a bit more tv. By the time I grew up, got married, moved away, and I got my own tv; it was basically on all day. I can't really tell you what I watched or how it changed me, but yet I felt compelled to watch. Now fifteen years later and three kids, I find that I rarely turn on the tv. I can't really find a show that seems so great, I should give up a half hour or hour of my time. My time is precious. Now don't get me wrong. I haven't burned all my tv's or started a campain to close all the networks. I simple find I have better things to do. Like Blog . . .lol

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