
Thursday, May 20, 2010

patient mornings

So everyone knows you never pray for patience, because if you do then God will let you have it :-) Have you ever felt like someone is secretly praying patience for you? I think I must have some "friends" like that.

On another note, you didn't think I was done talking already did you? I have never been a morning person. I think if I could just sleep from 2am -8am everyday I would be great. But life has never allowed me that opportunity. Instead alarms start going off at our house around 3:30am (not mine). I do my best to be up and on the ground moving by 6:30am. Even though I have completely forced my body to be upright and mobile. I still have yet to persuade my brain after all these years to allow me to be cheery and conversational before 8am. No matter what time I get up, I have no desire to speak or converse before 8 - I will kiss my hubby and whisper "I love you". But then the line is drawn. Problem is two out of three kids are morning talkers. That's right they hit the ground ready to conquer the world either by brute or by speech. Do you have any idea what this does to a non-morning talker?

So like I said, someone out there is praying patience for me. And someday I am gonna find out just who that "friend" is. They better hope I find them after 8 am.

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