
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

new day same flavor

Routine bores me, yet I love it. I hate that the same thing happens everyday causing each day to morph into the rest. I am sadded by the fact that at the end of month when you reflect you can only pick out a few days out of 30 that stand out. Yet on the other hand I am comforted by the fact that I know what each day holds. I like knowing that if we follow the routine, life will run smoothly. Ah!! I love it when life runs smoothly. When the kids are clean and quite, the house is orderly and clutter free, school is accomplished, breakfast and lunch made and dinner in process, gardening done, pets cared for and stink free, bread made, soap made, laundry done, and my husband is happy. But does the planned routine every really happen or have we just fallen into the "back up' routine - survival.

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