
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

time AGAIN

Time - crazy word. Because all at the same time - you can have too much time and not enough time!

I look back and see how long it has been since I posted. And I think, wow, a whole month just flew by. How did I not find time in over thirty days to write just a few sentences about my ever wondering thoughts? Yet, I sit here at the computer mid-morning, as the day stretches on for what seems like an eternity and I realize that today is only Wednesday. I wonder just how much longer a week can be.

I long for the day when time has no limits, when standing in God's presence is the only thing I have to do. Until then I wish I could just live in the moment. Enjoying each moment and experiencing it to it's full potential. Yet, I find that most days, my goal is bed time. The moment when I can slip into my love's arms and turn off the world. His arm's are my favorite place on earth. Because it is there I know I am safe. It is there that I know I am protected. It is there that time stops being my enemy and becomes my friend.

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