
Wednesday, January 19, 2011


My daughter woke up this morning with most wiry and frazzled hair I have seen in awhile. No amount of brushing would help. She had showered and towel dried last night, usually we blow dry. We had not taken the proper steps to keep her hair under control.

This hit me in the face pretty hard. 'Cause you see that's how I have been feeling frazzled, nervous, wiry, very close to the end of my rope. . . like the next thing could just send me into orbit or shut me down. And as I continually brushed her hair this morning, lamenting on why we did not take the time to dry it last night. I realized maybe, just maybe, I could have headed all of my problems off some time ago, had I taken the time to properly care for me. You see with two Christmases and two birthdays, and all the normal around here, I have not been spending much time with God. Oh sure I lift of my friends who are hurting or I thank Him for the obvious things. But just sitting down and shutting out the rest of world to spend time in His Word and listening to His voice - it's been awhile. That's what it takes to care for me, I can't care for me, only God can. If I don't give Him time, then how can I expect to be any different.

1 comment:

  1. amazing how the simple things trigger great revelation, isn't it? the simplest things...

    good words here, friend.
