
Friday, February 8, 2013


So often the feeling of anxiousness closes in so tight around me.  It is in these moments that I have the overwhelming need to purge.  Simplicity looks so relaxing.  I yearn for the day, when I live with less.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Lonely in a Crowded House

Isn't it amazing how your house can never be quiet, never be empty, never be calm? - and yet in the midst of it all your soul cries out in loneliness.  It longs for a connection to something with skin.

Thursday, July 28, 2011


Everybody always want contentment.  They always act like it is something they can find or acquire.  Contentment is something you decide.  It is a choice you make.  You ask God for the ability to see with new eyes and feel with a different heart.  So if you are looking for contentment, remember with God's help it is inside you.  You just have to choose . . .

Thursday, July 14, 2011


I think friend is one of those words that we toss around like love.  If we really understood the meaning and took it to heart, we may not use it as often as we do.  I like a lot of people and have many acquaintances, but I love few people and have few friends - and I good with that.  Because I know they really mean it :)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


The word seems so simple.  So easy to understand.  Yet so many find it hard to muster.  I am tired of the lies, tired of the shadows, tired of the mystery.  Through all of the pain,  I am beginning to see why Jesus found it necessary to say "I am the truth."  When all else fails - He is truth.  He can also filter truth out of lies.  I am finding; if I pass everything through Him, I can see truth.  While others continue to deceive, My God is Truth.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Holding on to the Dream

Even though I am pushing 40, I still have this dream of what I want when I grow up.  With each passing day, my brain tells me to let the dream go.  It tells me to face this reality I am living in; accept where I am and what I got.  But my heart won't let go, no matter how hard I try I can't make it stop.  So, I keep holding on. . . Because I'm thinking if God keeps it in my heart, then maybe just maybe it's in my future, too.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Restless Sundays

Sunday's are one of those days, when my restless spirit tends to overwhelm me.  Sundays are supposed to be the day of rest, but I find it extremely hard to go 90 to nothing all week and then suddenly spend a day with no agenda or goal.  I find on Sunday's, more than ever, I want to conquer the world.  I want to make a difference.   I want to make a impression with this life I lead.  So am I really restless, or just convicted!?!